Lagers & Ales


Proud to serve Ales from our local brewery, Moulin.

— Braveheart —

4.0% ABV Moulin Braveheart.

A dark brown strong ale brewed with honey and roast malt and named in honor of William Wallace, Braveheart of Scotland. £8

— Ale of Atholl -

4.5% ABV A full-bodied, mellow, amber coloured ale. Very much in the Scottish 80 / - style, well balanced and highly drinkable. £8

— Old Remedial -

5.2% ABV A strong winter warmer style beer brewed with the Ale of Atholl grist but with the addition of local honey. The beer was named by the North British Rowing Club who were staying at the hotel at the time the beer was first served. £8


Stella Artois 4.6%

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Proud to serve Ales from our local brewery, Moulin.

— Braveheart —

4.0% ABV Moulin Braveheart.

A dark brown strong ale brewed with honey and roast malt and named in honor of William Wallace, Braveheart of Scotland. £8

— Ale of Atholl -

4.5% ABV A full-bodied, mellow, amber coloured ale. Very much in the Scottish 80 / - style, well balanced and highly drinkable. £8

— Old Remedial -

5.2% ABV A strong winter warmer style beer brewed with the Ale of Atholl grist but with the addition of local honey. The beer was named by the North British Rowing Club who were staying at the hotel at the time the beer was first served. £8


Stella Artois 4.6%

Proud to serve Ales from our local brewery, Moulin.

— Braveheart —

4.0% ABV Moulin Braveheart.

A dark brown strong ale brewed with honey and roast malt and named in honor of William Wallace, Braveheart of Scotland. £8

— Ale of Atholl -

4.5% ABV A full-bodied, mellow, amber coloured ale. Very much in the Scottish 80 / - style, well balanced and highly drinkable. £8

— Old Remedial -

5.2% ABV A strong winter warmer style beer brewed with the Ale of Atholl grist but with the addition of local honey. The beer was named by the North British Rowing Club who were staying at the hotel at the time the beer was first served. £8


Stella Artois 4.6%